“Food is Medicine!” – Bragg’s apple cider vinegar

“It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood…” I do not know why I am thinking of Mr. Roger’s neighborhood today. I adored that show as a kid and would sit front and center at the t.v. each afternoon when it came on. I can hear the sound of that little train making it around the track – choo-choo – and those cute little puppets…although a few of them did look spooky (Lol!) Ok, enough on that.

Those who have followed my blog have heard me quote the Greek philosopher Hippocrates by saying, “Let your food be medicine – and your medicine, food.” I believe in that old adage, and believe it is a tried and true principle to those who have seen the medicinal properties of food work in their lives. Today, I want to share one of my favorites… Bragg’s organic apple cider vinegar. Oh, I could kiss my bottle of this right now 🙂

I must preface this by saying all vinegar is NOT created equal! You must use Bragg’s organic apple cider vinegar with the “mother.” That little brown residue at the bottom of the bottle is what they call the “mother” and is chockful of all those healthy vitamins and nutrients – the good stuff! There is so much good research on Bragg’s organic apple cider vinegar that I will be sharing this week, but I also encourage you to google it yourself and do some research. It has been touted to alkalinize the body, increase energy, clear complexion, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, kill parasites (yeast), cleanser, detoxify the body, heal sore throats, cure colds, and help you lose weight! That is a lot of power in a $4 product, I must say, and I personally can attest to some of these claims made. This is where I have to put my disclaimer, because individual results will vary, but I can say that this miracle elixir has helped lower my husband’s blood pressure along with helped him drop a few pounds; has been my sore throat and cold cure that I swear by, and has also helped clear my complexion, along with helping me detox my body. My daughters have used this with success on their hair to rid dandruff and to rid acne. I think a lot of its benefit comes from it being able to alkalinize the body – for it is an acidic body that causes disease (more on that soon). Everyone who has tried it has something positive to say about the results they receive. They even make apple cider vinegar capsules and sell it in health food stores, so that should tell you something, but I recommend using it from the bottle. Now let me show you how to use it…

I use this vinegar internally and externally. To use internally (drink), I use this recipe:

1 tbspn Bragg’s ACV + 8 oz water + 1 tspn honey or stevia to taste.

My alternative recipe (and the one I use the most) is:

1 tbspn Bragg’s ACV + 4 oz water + 4 oz apple juice. Yum!

It is recommended to drink a cup before each meal (3 times a day) to get the best benefits.

For external use, I mix a tbspn or two in my bottle of Alba liquid face cleanser and it makes my complexion clearer and brighter. I also like to add some to a bath soak to help detoxify my skin, or in my shampoo as a clarifier to remove buildup from hair products. My hair turns out shiny and full of body! This stuff is simply amazing 🙂

This is all I will share today, but make sure you tune in for Wednesday’s and Friday’s blog as we dig more into the wonderful health benefits of Bragg’s ACV. I will also be sharing my famous “cure-all” tea concoction I make…and it is good – and good for you!


  1. I personally think that witch hazel works better for acne. I ran out of my witch hazel and have to get some more. Since I can’t run to the store at this time I did remember the apple cider vinegar and used it as a toner after washing my face. I also started taking it internally so hopefully takin it internally will help kick the acne once and for all.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Erikka! I like witch hazel better too for acne, especially Rose Thayer witch hazel. I do like to add a little Bragg’s apple cider vinegar to my face wash from time to time for added benefit, but for a stand alone toner, the witch hazel is better. Give it time on taking the ACV internally, and you will definitely start seeing the benefits in a healthier, rosier complexion. Keep us posted on how it works for you!

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